A Risk Assessment Method for Building Fire based on Actions of Security Staff at the Early Fire Stage
This report describes a risk assessment method for a building fire using the probabilistic data of fire security staff actions in order to evaluate the performance of building fire safety. Referring to actual large fires in buildings, one of key factors is a faulty response by security staff at the early fire stage. There is a tendency for security staffs not to be able to deal with fire in recent types of large building and mixed-use building. Evaluating fire risk incorporating this factor should aid the planning of fire safety and fire safety measures. We developed a risk assessment method that is unique in that it incorporates the action of security staff and evaluating this probability, and employs an engineering method for analysis of fire spread. The basic data are the time distribution of security staff actions generated in the experiments in a simulator of a building mangement center. Using this data, we evaluate the fire spread area and fire phase, the proportion of occupants trapped by smoke, and the probabilities thereof. This method offers a precise evaluation of fire risk. It is possible to design alternative fire protection measures and to plan how to manage building in an emergency.
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