Allergen-proof Interior System (Part 1)―Development and Application of a Mite Activity Evaluation System using Image Processing―
A living space which is designed to be energy-saving and comfortable also tends to be better sealed, more airtight, and more heat-efficient. Ironically, such an environment is conducive to interior allergens such as mites, fungi, and house dust. The number of people suffering from allergen-related allergic disorders, such as bronchial asthma, nasal catarrh, and skin inflammation, is increasing every year. We would like to create an interior system which maintains comfort while inhibiting the growth of mite allergens, one of the major causes of these allergic disorders. Here, as a first step, we have developed a mite activity evaluation system based on image processing. There was a correlation, derived from a three-dimensional polynomial approximation, between the number (density) of mites directly counted under a microscope and values obtained by image processing (cumulative values) using three mite-control test methods. We applied this image processing system to the evaluation of mite-control tests with several standard chemicals. Using this system, moreover, we were able to evaluate the influence of relative humidity on minimizing mite activity and propagation.
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