A Study on Mechanical Behavior of Granular Materials using 3-Dimensional Distinct Element Method
In order to study the mechanical behavior of powders or granular materials, 2-dimensional models have often been used. However, such models are able to represent only certain features of specific phenomena of particulate materials, and it's difficult to simulate the behavior completely. In this report, using the 3-dimensional code of the Distinct Element, Method which has been developed by the author, the size segregation during the filling and the convection by the vertical vibration are simulated. The result of the simulation is compared to experimental results presented by Gotoh et al. about size segregation. The validity of the numerical results is shown and the mechanism of the behavior is investigated. In the case of convection, the experiment performed by Ehrichs et al. is simulated. The numerical result indicates that the mechanism is a repetition of a similar movement per vibration cycle, and that the driving force of convection is the different movements between the central particles and those near the wall. This mechanism is correlated to that proposed by Taguchi using 2-D models.
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