An Approximate Scheme for Dynamic Interaction Analysis of a Large Scale Pile Group
An approximate scheme for seeking the dynamic impedance functions of a pile group with a large number of piles is developed and presented.The method is based on the so-called superposition scheme, in which the pile head flexibility matrix of the large scale group is approximately and effectively composed of that of two corresponding piles among the group.In order to examine the accuracy of the approximate solution, the impedance functions for the pile foundations with different types of pile spacing and number of piles are calculated and compared with those acquired using the rigorous method.It is revealed that the approximate solution concords fairly closely with the rigorous solution in the range of ωB/Vs<0.5, where ω, B, and Vs are the excitation frequency, the pile diameter, and the shear wave velocity of the soil, respectively.The range enough embraces the reference frequencies of an actual pile-supported building.It is concluded that the method presented here can be useful and effective for the dynamic analysis of a large scale pile group considering the pile-soil-pile interaction, in place of the rigorous method with the enormous computation efforts that are required.
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