Stiffness Design of Elastically Supported Shear Buildings for Specified Nonexceedance Probability of Seismic Response
An almost direct and efficient stiffness design method is developed for an elastically supported shear building the stiffnesses of the swaying and rocking springs of which are given as statistically independent normal variates. The story stiffnesses are determined with the use of the closed form stiffness solution for specified fundamental frequency and translational eigenvector so that the probability of the seismic mean maximum interstory drifts not exceeding prescribed values would coincide with the specified value. The proposed method is consists of two steps: (1) Find the stiffnesses of swaying and rocking springs that can achieve the constrained nonexceedance probability, (2) determine the specified fundamental natural period and translational eigenvector so that the mean maximum interstory drifts would coincide with the prescribed values. The validity and accuracy of the proposed method are demonstrated by use of the Monte Carlo simulation.
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