Structural Performance of Beam-Column Joints using High Strength Concrete
The need for high-rise residential buildings in metropolitan areas increases as the population grows. To achieve taller buildings, high strength materials are used in the construction. This paper describes experimentally the structural behavior of high strength concrete (Fc 59MPa) members reinforced with high strength reinforcing bars (SD490), and then confirms the appropriateness of applying of the conventional design method to the high strength concrete members, focusing on the beams.The specimens were 2/5 scale models taking into account the types of beam-column joints, tested under reversibly cyclic loadings on the tip of the beams. Test results indicate that the conventional design method is appropriate for the high strength concrete beams in estimating the effective width of slabs, the flexural strength, and the stiffness degradation in flexure.The authors confirmed that the behavior of the beams can be also be modeled using the conventional method.
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