- 鋼板による補強は柱のせん断耐力と靭性および剛性を向上させる。せん断耐力を鋼板を補強筋に換算して既往の式で算定すると耐力、剛性ともかなり小さめの値となる。鋼板のせん断力負担を考慮するとより適切な評価ができる。
- 炭素繊維シートによる補強は、剛性を変えることなく耐力と靭性を向上させる。せん断耐力は炭素繊維シートを補強筋に換算することで既往の式で算定できる。炭素繊維シートの補強量が多いほど靭性は向上する。
- 付帯壁を持つ柱は、ここで用いた補強方法により、層間変形角1%まではせん断破壊を防止できる。
Shear strengthening of existing reinforced concrete columns
Fifteen 1/2-scale reinforced concrete column specimens and two columns cut out from a real building were tested in order to investigate the effect of shear strengthening by use of steel jacketing and the carbon fiber blankets. Test results showed that :
- Steel jacketing enhances the strength, ductility and stiffness of columns. The strength and stiffness calculated by treating the steel jacket as shear reinforcement are smaller than the test results. The contributory effect of the steel jacket on the shear strength and stiffness should be taken into account.
- Carbon fiber blankets enhance the strength and ductility of columns without any change in the initial stiffness. Shear strength can be estimated by treating the carbon fiber as shear reinforcement. The carbon fiber blanket progressively increases the ductility of columns as the number of layers increases.
- Strengthening by the means discussed in this report can prevent the shear failure of columns with side walls up to at least 1.0% of a story drift angle.
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