- 当時、奈良県は教会の位置する奈良公園地区に新築する建物の外観を規制し日本の伝統的な様式が望ましいとしたため、奈良基督教会では和風意匠が採用された。
- 奈良基督教会では、伝統的な日本建築の空間構成の枠組の範囲で、祈りの場としての厳粛な空間の創出に成功している。和風をきわだたせるのは伝統的なディテールの意匠だが、それらの扱いや、全体と部分の比例の均衝が重要となる。
- 外国人宣教師やミッション・アーキテクトの多くは日本では和風教会堂が望ましいと考えたが、ほとんどの日本人聖職者は和風に反対したので、和風教会堂はあまり普及しなかった。
On the Japanese Style of Episcopal Church in the Early Showa Era
The early part of the Showa era saw the building of several Christian churches in a distinctly Japanese style. Since the Meiji era, every mission has tried to spread Christianity as well as elements of Western civilization, and the spirt of the missions can thus be said to have influenced culture in modern Japan. The architecture of churches had become a symbol of Western culture, and it was unusual to design a church in a Japanese style instead of the Western style such as Romanesque or Gothic. In this paper an investigation of the process of planning and the Japanese style itself in the case of the Nara Episcopal Church (Nara city, completed in 1930, designed and constructed by Kichitaro Oki), the following points are verified.
- Nara prefectural government controlled the style of buildings built in Nara Park, where the Nara Episcopal Church is located.
- Oki succeeded in creating the solemn environment of a Christian church in a Japanese traditional design paradigm. It is obvious that Japanese traditional detail designs have an effect on Japanese style. It is important to know how to use them and to decide the proper proportion between the detailed parts and the whole.
- Though most of the foreign missionaries thought that a Japanese style church is suitable in Japan, most of the Japanese clergy refused. A Japanese style of church did not develop.
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