- AETDと通路延長および出口の関係においては、AETDは通路の総延長を出口の次数の和で除した値と線形の相関があり、この相関関係は仮想的なネットワークだけでなく実建物での適用例でも当てはまる結果であること
- 出口を分散的に配置すると、効率よくAETDを小さくできること
- 総延長が一定でノード数が増加する場合のAETDの変化の傾向について、ノード数の増え方に対するAETDの変化の傾向が確認され、単純なネットワークモデルでの適用結果と整合するノード数が示されたこと
- 直前のノードに後戻りする確率が小さくなればAETDは小さくなるが、ネットワークの形状によってAETDの変化傾向が異なること
- 通路総延長、出口の次数の和、ノード数を用いたAETDの略算式導出の可能性があること
Assessment of Legibility of Egress Route Using Expected Travel Distance
A new framework for a fire safety design method is now in preparation based on the concept of performance-based design in Japan. In this paper, the authors turned their attention to the legibility of the egress route as an important performance factor in assuring the safety of occupants in buildings, and intensively discussed its assessment. The relevant previous work on the evaluation of the legibility of the egress route was reviewed and studied. The legibility of the egress route is dependent upon the physical measures that can quantitatively evaluate how quickly occupants can escape or how easily they can find exits. In this point of view, the travel distance during an evacuation was one of the most effective and quantifiable measures of the legibility of the egress route. The assessment of the travel distance based on several assumptions of the occupants probable choice of egress route was introduced. The network modeling technique was utilized to represent the configuration of the egress route and to calculate the travel distance. Through numerical computations, an effective configuration was discussed in such a way that the average of expected travel distance was minimized among the possible layouts of the egress route.
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