高次精度の風上差分法を用いたLarge Eddy Simulationの複雑流れ場への適用について
Applicability of Large Eddy Simulation to Complex Flows Using a 3rd-Order Upwind Scheme
In this study, the applicability of Large Eddy Simulation to the practical use of wind simulation around the buildings and structures using a 3rd-order upwind scheme is investigated. To avoid numerical instability in the simulation as both turbulent and laminar flows exist, it is necessary to use a 3rd-order upwind scheme. The influence of the numerical viscosity of the upwind scheme must be treated with care if the turbulent viscosity of LES is to work. We tried to reduce the influence of numerical viscosity in the numerical simulation of channel flow by making the size of the grid filter wider and using the UTOPIA scheme. As a result, the statistical turbulent data such as turbulence intensities were improved to match DNS data using these techniques. We also applied these techniques to the complex flow around a low-rise building. Comparison with experimental data, a pressure distribution on the surface of the building was improved because of an exact simulation of the behavior of separated flow from the front edge.
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