Traffic Vibration of a Tram on a Floating Trackbed Using Coil Spring Units
Traffic vibration is a big problem for the buildings standing near railway tracks, above subway tracks or under an overhead railroad. We discuss the vibration reduction of the floating trackbed system using coil spring units, which is one of the solutions to traffic vibration problems, especially the problem of structure borne sound. The author carried out vibration measurements of a 60m long, 70cm thick floating trackbed in Germany which is supported by 120 coil spring units, and verified a vibration reduction. The vertical natural frequency and the damping factor of the floating trackbed are 5Hz and 5%, respectively. The floating trackbed can reduce traffic vibration by more than 20dB at 30Hz, and by more than 40dB at 100Hz. These vibration reduction effects can also be estimated by use of a theoretical method.
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