- 十字リブ付きの開端杭を打設する場合、N値が 9~12以上の砂層であれば、閉塞効果を生じ、地盤改良効果が期待できる。また、閉塞効果が生じない埋立層でも、杭打設により地盤改良効果が期待できる。
- 杭打設に伴う地盤改良効果は、社本らの提案するコンパクションパイルの評価手法で評価することができる。
- 杭を打設した地盤は、密度増加では表せない液状化抵抗の増加が生じた。また、入力の大きな地震動に対して抵抗力が高い、いわゆる液状化に対してねばり強い地盤へと変化した。
Effectiveness of Pile Driving in Improving Reclaimed Ground
In-situ driving tests of large size steel piles(φ609.6mm) with open ends were performed on reclaimed deposits in order to investigate the effectiveness of pile driving to increase the soil resistance against liquefaction. Undrained cyclic triaxial tests were also conducted on the high quality intact soil samples which were obtained using the ground freezing method from reclaimed deposits. Test results show that:(1)The effectiveness of pile driving can be expected for deposits with SPT N - values more than 9;(2)The method proposed by Shamoto et al.(1995)for evaluating the improvement effect of sand compaction piles can be also be adopted to evaluate the effect of pile driving on the ground improvement;and(3)Pile driving has been confirmed to be ineffective in increasing soil density, but it has an obvious effect on promoting the liquefaction resistance of the reclaimed deposits.
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