Derivation and Revision of Attenuation Relation for Peak Horizontal Acceleration Applicable to the Near Source Region
Attenuation relations for the peak ground acceleration of earthquake ground motion were ordinarily derived by the use of the multiple regression analysis, however, remarkably smaller distance coefficients than the coefficients for observed data of individual events were determined by the analysis of a Japanese data base due to the affects of the correlation between the hypocentral distance and the earthquake magnitude.
On the contrary, reliable distance coefficients, corresponding to the attenuation characteristics for the individual events, were determined by the two step regression procedure with dummy variables. The authors added near source data from the United States to the Japanese data base, then already derived attenuation relations applicable to the near source regions by the two step regression procedure. In this paper, the full procedure of derivation of the attenuation relation was explained, further the attenuation relations are revised to include recent data observed around the world. The revised attenuation relations are almost the same as previous ones, and this fact may be indicate the stability of the derived results.
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