High Cycle Fatigue Properties of Steel Column Members with Partial Penetration Groove Welded Joints
It is the purpose of this paper to investigate experimentally high-cycle fatigue properties of steel column members with column-to-column partial penetration groove welded joints. Box section steel column members with joints welded steel base-plates are used in this experiment. The experiment carried out high-cycle bending fatigue tests of the column members, which are fixed to base-plates and to which repeated positive and negative forces are applied. The summary of the results is shown below. There are two fracture types; one is fracture of the column-to-column joints and other is fracture of the column-to-base-plate joints. The fatigue life of column-to-base-plate joints satisfy JSSC fatigue design curve of F class, and fatigue life of column-to-column joints satisfy H class. The fatigue life of the column-to-column joint might be estimated from its fatigue crack propagation property.
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