Factors on Fire Spread Termination after the Hyogo-ken Nambu Earthquake- in the case of Nagata and Suma Ward -
The main purpose of this study is to point out the factors on fire spread termination in post-earthquake urban fires. In this study, we investigated fire spread termination in Nagata and Suma Wards at the Hyogo-ken Nambu Earthquake. Items of the investigation include a distance between burned and non-burned buildings, materials of a building exterior wall, behaviour of residents to extinguish a fire. By using these results, we analyzed factors on fire spread termination quantitatively by applying a radiation model for fire spread to data obtained from the investigation. Conclusions are as follows.
- From the investigation, a required distance between two buildings to prevent fire spread is estimated about 14 meters in the case that radiation-exposed wall consists of wood or float glass.
- It was confirmed that a radiation model for fire spread is applicable to the calculation of a required distance to prevent fire spread.
- Factors on fire spread termination such as trees near the building exterior wall can be translated into a proper required distance. In planning fire safety of urban district, proper required distance to prevent fire spread across the buildings will have to be estimated more accurate.
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