- カーテンウォール及びガラス支持構法は、被害が軽微であった。
- 石貼りでは、乾式工法では被害が少なかったが、湿式ではひび割れや剥落が認められた。
- RC系では、無被害か軽微な被害のものが過半数を占め、残りのものに剥落等の被害が認められた。
- ALCでは、パネルの接合部・固定部の破損及びパネルの脱落の被害が多かった。本報では、これらの調査結果を外装工法別に検討するとともに、今後解決すべき技術的課題の提案などについて述べた。
A Survey and an Investigation into Non-Load Bearing Elements of Buildings Slightly Damaged by the 1995 Hyougo-ken Nambu Earthquake
The earthquake in the southern area of Hyougo prefecture occurred early in the morning of January 17th, 1995 in Japan. We surveyed the non-load bearing elements of buildings in that area after the earthquake in order to investigate the earthquake resistance of non-load bearing elements. The survey was carried out on 110 buildings which were slightly damaged by the earthquake, and on 181 parts of external finishing constructions. The result of the survey can be summarized as follows:
- Curtain wall, glazing and glazed elements : the damage of these constructions are not so heavy.
- Stone pitching : the dry pitching is not damaged heavily, but the wet pitching is heavily damaged.
- Tile pitching and plastering : half of these constructions are slightly damaged, but the other half are heavily damaged.
- Autoclaved light-weight concrete panels : The joints and fasteners of the panels are damaged. Some of the panels have fallen down.
In the report the result of the survey summarized above is discussed and concluded by proposing some problems which would have to be solved by future investigations.
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