Study on Retrofitting Method for Concrete Members by Prestressing with Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) Plate
The prestressing method that a pretensioned FRP plate as a prestressing tendon adheres to the lower surface of a concrete member, has a high reinforcing effect and is promising for retrofitting existing concrete structures.
In order to put this method to practical use, the prestressing and anchorage devices of the FRP plate have been produced.
Then, some specimens which had different prestresses were made, and bending tests were carried out to study their mechanical behavior. This paper describes the outline of this retrofitting method and some test results. The FRP plate was shaped by pultrusion and composed of glass fibers.
The prestressed concrete beams were prevented from lowering of their flexural rigidity after cracking and their deformation behavior was improved. Afterwards, the FRP plate began to peel away near the cracks.
Therefore, it was pointed out that an appropriate adhesive must be selected to prevent this phenomenon.
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