- 未改良の場合(杭のみの場合)は、基礎の縁に位置する杭が最も危険となる。
- SCPやDM-ring、DM-blockなどの液状化対策を施した場合、杭のせん断力や曲げモーメントはかなり低減できる。
- 液状化対策を考える際に、改良範囲の大きさをいかに決めるかは重要であるが、DM-blockでは改良領域がかなり小さいにもかかわらず、大きな曲げモーメント低減効果が見られたことは興味深い。
Evaluation of Protection Measures from Liquefaction Hazards by Three Dimensional Analysis
This study investigates the earthquake response of a cylinder-shaped structure supported by steel piles standing on the soft decomposed granite soil on the basis of a three-dimensional non-linear analysis. In the numerical modeling an acceleration time history obtained during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nambu Earthquake at the Kobe university was used as input seismic waves to shake the structure-piles system. Four types of foundation conditions were considered as follows.
- Case-1 : end-bearing piles in unimproved ground.
- Case-2 : end-bearing piles in the ground improved by sand compaction piles (SCP).
- Case-3 : end-bearing piles in the ground improved by ring type soil cement (DM-ring).
- Case-4 : end-bearing piles in the ground improved by block type soil cement (DM-block).
The following main conclusions have been drawn: 1) The maximum bending moments and shear forces are found to act on the piles near the foundation edges during strong earthquake shaking for Case-1 of the unimproved ground, showing that sufficient attention should be paid to the piles under the structure perimeter in the aseismic design. 2) The SCP method, the DM-ring, and the DM-block methods are confirmed to be considerably effective for reducing the bending moments and shear forces in piles and for strengthening the foundation resistance against liquefaction. 3) In order to meet the need of aseismic design, the area required to be improved depends on what method is adopted, i.e., the largest area is required for the SCP method and the smallest area for the DM-block method.
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