兵庫県南部地震において記録された各地の観測波を用い、免震建物の水平、上下両方向同時入力時の応答を検討した。合わせて、これまで広く検討に用いられている既往の地震波(El Centro等)についても同様の検討を行い、免震建物の応答の観点から、今回の地震で得られた観測波の特徴を評価した。
Response Performance of Base-isolated Structure to Earthquake Inputs in the Horizontal and Vertical Directions
In this paper, the dynamic analyses were conducted to evaluate the responses of base-isolated structures, especially the axial load of the isolator, to earthquake inputs, registered by 1995 Hyogo-ken Nambu Earthquake and other earthquakes. The horizontal displacement of the isolator was not so large in the earthquake registered in Kobe, but the axial load was over the dead load.
This proved that the isolator would take the tension. The large acceleration, not only horizontally but vertically as well, caused the tension of the isolator. The simultaneity of vertical and horizontal response accelerations affect the axial load of the isolator. The simultaneous coefficient was large in the earthquake registered in Kobe.
The tension force of the isolator is a serious problem. The axial load of the isolator should be considered when investigating the responses of base-isolated buildings.
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