- 水平地盤における杭基礎は、地盤が液状化したため水平方向の地盤反力が低下し、建物の応答による水平力によって、杭頭と杭中間部に被害が生じていた。
- ケーソン近傍に構築された杭基礎は、地盤反力の低下による杭頭被害ばかりでなく、ケーソン下部地盤の側方流動現象により中間部でも損傷する可能性がある。
- 遠心模型振動実験の結果では、加振後に生じるいわゆるpost-liquefactionによる地盤変形は相対的に小さく、加振による変形成分の1/10以下であった。
Case Studies on Liquefaction-Induced Damages to Ground and Pile Foundations during 1995 Hyogo-ken Nambu Earthquake
Severe damages due to liquefaction took place in the reclaimed area during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nambu earthquake. It is particurarly worthly of note, that earthquake damages to caisson-type quay walls were accompanied by heavy ground lateral flow. Although attention has been paid to the study of the lateral flow due to seismic liquefaction, unfortunately, our understanding of the mechanism resulting in practical ground lateral flow seems quite restricted. In this study, site investigation has been carried out to examine the practical failure of pile foundations; moreover, dynamic centrifuge modeling has been performed to reproduce the in-situ behavior of the pile foundations during the occurrence of ground lateral flow.
Based on the analysis of case investigation and model test results, the following main conclusions may be drawn.
- The pile foundations built on the level ground were damaged mainly at their heads and middle parts. This may be attributed to the reduction of subgrade reaction in the horizontal direction during ground liquefaction and to the horizontal forces induced by dynamic response of upper-structures.
- The failures of the pile foundations constructed near the caisson-type quay walls not only took place at the pile heads because of the decrease in subgrade reaction, but also the group piles were likely to be damaged at their middle parts because of lateral flow of surrounding ground.
- The model tests show that the major ground deformation occurred during the earthquake shaking, while the ground deformation after the earthquake was relatively small, about one-tenth of the shaking-induced deformation.
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