Survey of damage to RC and SRC buildings in The Hyogo-Ken Nambu Earthquake on January 17, 1995
The Hyogo-Ken Nambu Earthquake on January 17, 1995 caused extensive and often severe damage to a large number of buildings in the Kobe area. This paper describes the damage of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings and steel reinforced concrete (SRC) buildings.
The probable cause of the observed damage is examined and compared with the structural capacity. The failure mode most commonly observed in RC buildings was a brittle shear failure at the concrete columns. The concrete structures often collapsed at the first floor. RC structures which had irregularly distributed shear walls or frames experienced substantial torsion in additon to sway. Relatively old SRC buildings often had story collapses.
The detailing of these buildings was commonly a lattice steel member composed of angles and tie plates. Other damage modes commonly observed in SRC buildings were the failure of the base of column and failure of the frame connections.
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