新しい非破壊評価技術の開発を目的として、SQUID(Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices:量子干渉素子)磁束計を用いた微弱磁場計測に関する基礎的な研究を実施した。建築・土木の現場で磁束計を非破壊評価に利用するため、環境磁場の影響を受けにくく、空間分解能の高い磁束計が必要とされる。環境磁場の影響を受けにくくするため1次微分型磁束計(グラジオメータ)が用いられるが、空間分解能を高くするために検出コイルの面積を小さくすると、検出コイルのわずかな面積差が出力に寄与し、正常な差分値を得ることができない。我々は、2つの検出コイルの面積がわずかに異なるSQUIDグラジオメータを用いて、磁場の空間1次微分ならびに磁場分布を測定する方法を検討した。
A Fundamental Study of Measuring Magnetic Flux by a SQUID Gradiometer
As a new nondestructive evaluation technique, we investigated methods of measuring a slight magnetic field using a SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices) fluxmeter. A fluxmeter for use at construction sites must be minimally affected by environmental noise and have high spatial resolution. The first order gradiometer is not readily affected by environmental magnetic noise, but if the areas of detection coils become small, the difference in the areas of the coils is no longer negligible, making it impossible to measure the spatial differential of the magnetic field. We have developed a technique for measuring a magnetic field and the spatial differential using a SQUID gradiometer, which has only a slight difference in the areas of its detection coils.
We tested this procedure by measuring the magnetic field produced by circular coils. The results showed that the spatial differential of magnetic field can be measured with high accuracy. The magnetic field shows a slight difference between measurement and analysis, the reason for which is left as a future subject of investigation.
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