- 視覚の能動性が操作可能であること
- 同じCGであっても刺激の分節の仕方が異なること
- 快適感と広がり感との見方は異なり、両者は異なった概念であること
- 広がり感は一次空間構成要素の影響を受け、快適感は窓、植栽、椅子、机といった二次空間構成要素と関係があること
- 開放感は快適感および広がり感と概念を共有する部分があること
Evaluation of Visual Environments and Design Methods- Part.3 Hypothesizing the Active Aspect of Vision -
This report presents the concept of human-environmental systems in order to investigate visual environments. In addition, it indicates that the two stage perception theory does not hold good and redefines "stimulus". Moreover, the active aspect of vision is hypothesized. To test the hypothesis, an experiment is conducted by using a visual line detection devise. As a result, it clarifies the followings:
- The active aspect of vision is controllable.
- The way of articulating stimuli varies even in the same CGs.
- From the fact that the loci of a visual line for comfort and spaciousness are different, these have different images.
- Spaciousness is influenced by the primary elements like the size of a space. In contrast, comfort is affected by the secondary elements such as a window, a plant, a chair, and a desk.
- Openness has a shared image with comfort and spaciousness.
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