建設生産における知識の体系化に関する研究-IMS国際共同研究プロジェクトにおける研究成果とVirtual Constructionの提案-
IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing System) は、通産省が主催する国際共同プロジェクトである。1993年度にはフィージビリティースタディー(FS)が行われ、6つのプログラムが実施された。筆者らは、このうち「知識の体系化」に参加し研究を行った。本報では、IMSプロジェクトの概要、FSでの筆者らの研究成果を紹介し、本プログラムに対する長期的取組について述べた。「知識の体系化」プログラムは、地球環境にやさしい工業製品を生み出すためのポスト大量生産パラダイムの実現を目的としており、この基盤となる生産知識を体系化することが主な課題である。先ず、設計、製造で用いるAIツールを評価するととともに、ポスト大量生産のための知識構造モデルを提案した。次に、建設業としての資源・環境上の問題点及び取り組むべき課題を明らかにして、ライフサイクルを評価するための指標を検討した。最後に、リサイクル問題の事例研究として、再利用可能な基礎構造について検討を加えた。FSの研究成果をふまえて、本格研究での筆者らの基本的な考え方であるVirtual Construction の概念を提案し、これに基づいた研究計画を示した。
A Study on Knowledge Systematization in Construction- Our participation in the Intelligent Manufacturing System(IMS) program and our proposition of the Virtual Construction concept -
The Shimizu Corporation is one of the partners in the Gnosis consortium, this being one of the six test case consortiums of the IMS. The long-term goal of Gnosis is to develop an approach directed towards a post mass-production paradigm. The objectives of the test case are: (1) to evaluate the emerging systematization techniques available for real design and manufacturing knowledge, (2) to establish conceptual specifications for configuration management and configurable production systems, and (3) to specify and to demonstrate a pilot virtual environment for (2) above. This paper describes our contribution to the program which has been established through our research activities during the test case stage. We propose the new concept of "Virtual Construction" which is fundamental to our participation in the Gnosis full scale program. "Virtual", in the case of Virtual Construction signifies a knowledge system of concepts and embedded models which interact dynamically with real construction processes, and adapts reciprocally with each other. The conceptual world of virtual system reflects changing events in the actual construction process, becomes altered by them, and exerts influence upon them through its control grip. It is media/ information space that should be utilized to manage the interactive mode of the Virtual/ Real construction process. This dynamic interaction leads to the realization of flexible construction, free from an entrenched morphology of processes, and adaptive to model changes. Once a building is constructed, it irrevocably affects its immediate surroundings and human life over a long time span. Conversely, the value of a building is highly susceptible to any change of social, economic, and physical environments. Human society and its environment is rapidly changing. Environmental load has reached and exceeded the threshold of the reclamation capacity of nature due to continually expanding production volume. The result of this is that the sustainable development of society is now at stake. We established two primary research subjects in order to realize an evolving building system which adjusts to environmental change as follows: (1) The transformable capacity of an environment-friendly building system.(2) Development of a mutually adjustable dynamic system of Knowledge and Process Systemization consisting of knowledge, supporting tools, and its feedback system. To realise these objectives it is necessary to reorganize the whole construction system including business development, design, logistics, actual construction, and maintenance. We will verify the applicability of these concepts for the construction process.
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