CERN高エネルギー加速器施設において、中性子の遮蔽透過および迷路漏洩の実験を行なった。エネルギー24GeV/cの陽子ビームを50cm厚の銅標的に照射すると、二次中性子が生成し、遮蔽を透過し、迷路を漏洩して行く。実験では遮蔽内の様々な厚さおよび迷路内の様々な場所に放射化検出器を設置して中性子を測定した。放射化検出器の核反応として209Bi(n,xn)210-xBi(x = 4–9)、27Al(n,α)24Na、115In(n,n’)115mInおよび12C(n,2n)11Cを利用し、放射性核種生成率を求め、遮蔽厚および迷路位置に対する減衰分布を得た。モンテカルロ法による放射線解析コードであるPHITS, FLUKAおよびGEANT4により、実験を模擬したシミュレーションを実施し、実験値に対し2倍以内の一致を得た。
Shielding and Maze Experiments at CERN High Energy Particle Accelerator facility
Shielding and maze experiments of high-energy neutrons were performed at the CERN High-energy Accelerator facility. The protons of 24 GeV/c were injected onto a 50-cm-thick copper target and the released neutrons were transmitted through shields and a maze in the facility. The transmitted neutrons were measured using activation detectors placed behind various materials and thicknesses of the shields and at several locations in the maze. From the radionuclide production rates in the activation detectors, the attenuation profiles though the shield thickness and along the maze were obtained for the reactions of 209Bi(n,xn)210-xBi(x = 4–9)、27Al(n,α)24Na、115In(n,n’)115mIn, and 12C(n,2n)11C. Monte Carlo simulations were performed with three codes, PHITS, FLUKA, and GEANT4, which had good agreement with the measurements within a factor of 2 for the production rates.
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